Micro 324 Square Feet Apartment in HongKong

HongKong, as a lot of super crowded city, is notorious for housing shortage and a lots of people have to live in small room since they just simpliy can’t afford spacious place. Hence, how to live comfortable with limited square footage is a big challenge for Hongkong based interior design companies. We once wrote about a transformable room which has 24 room configuration on 344 square foot and today, we will introduce you another creative design by Sim-Plex Design Studio - a 324 square foot micro apartment.

Using custom cabinetry, this 324 square foot micro apartment becomes a three people-living open plan home and even having crystallized display space for artwork collection. The client, who is a ceramic and sculptural artwork lover, asked for a fluid spatial arrangement with numerous bright display space to showcase his mini artwork collections. To fulfill this requirement, the studio introduced a cabinetry feature wall with variety of cave-in crystallized slots to act as a backdrop for specific sculptural interventions. Adjustable table, concealed storage (on floor), sliding door and louver screen re-partitioning the compact home into a flexible living space. Although there is no much privacy for people who live in the raising room, it is still a quite smart and creative design for this micro 3 people apartment.

Micro 324 Square Feet Apartment in HongKong Micro 324 Square Feet Apartment in HongKong Micro 324 Square Feet Apartment in HongKong

Micro 324 Square Feet Apartment in HongKong Micro 324 Square Feet Apartment in HongKong Micro 324 Square Feet Apartment in HongKong Micro 324 Square Feet Apartment in HongKong

Micro 324 Square Feet Apartment in HongKong Micro 324 Square Feet Apartment in HongKong